Sweet Laurel Bakery



Sweet Laurel

Motherhood and balance. Not sure if those two words can be in the same sentence! Last year I became a mother, and it has been a beautiful, yet eye opening, experience. I am constantly challenged as I strive for balance while taking on this new role as a mother. It can be very frustrating, and I constantly think about all the moms out there who have been doing this for generations and generations! At the same time, the love and joy I have for Nico has created the deepest bond, and I’m filled with gratitude every day. At the end of the day, I’m finding I need to let go of expectations and realize that everyday, although a challenge, is a sweet gift.

In a perfect world, I would finish all my baking, R&D, emailing, meetings, etc. for Sweet Laurel, work out, make dinner and spend time with Nick and Nico.  And yes, all in one day. I have yet to prove it. This is something I’m striving for. My mentor once told me, balance does not happen in a day, it happens over time. Perhaps I need to let go of the expectations that this will happen every day. As my to-do list get longer, and my dedicated work time remains a variable, expectations must go out the door, right?

And then there’s the beauty of motherhood. I literally look at Nico, and feel so deeply. It’s like he pulls at my heart. I literally sometimes just look at him, and all I can think is he’s so perfect! Even when he throws his food, that was prepped with love, on the floor or insists on trying to crawl down the stairs face forward, the love outweighs the frustration.

Here are some recent photos of my Nico Boy and I. I wanted to share them with you in front of my favorite rose wall. The one of him giving me a kiss is my favorite, and it has a back story. Just last week, I was laying on the floor playing with Nico, and I asked him for a kiss. I had no idea he knew what a kiss was, and he crawled up to my lips and put his lips on my lips. This melted my heart! I was filled with so much instant love and joy the only thing I could think to do was call my husband and share the news that I was Nico’s first kiss!

Enjoy the photos (by my fave, Elsie), and please, mamas share your balance tips!! Happy Mother’s Day!

xoxo,  Laurel

Sweet LaurelSweet LaurelSweet LaurelSweet LaurelSweet LaurelSweet LaurelSweet LaurelSweet LaurelSweet Laurel


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