Sweet Laurel Bakery


I had the opportunity to meet the creators of Jungle Project last year and learn about their sustainable, grain-free, nut-free Breadfruit Flour. Breadfruit is a staple plant in many tropical countries, so much so, that a single breadfruit tree can provide nourishment for a family of 4, for up to 75 years! At Sweet Laurel, we’ve been looking to expand our nut free options and are ALWAYS looking for ways to be more sustainable in our operations. Hearing about Breadfruit Flour was fascinating, and I’ve been recipe testing with it lately! This delicious, classic cookie is a result of my testing, and you will be sure to see more recipes from me using this incredible flour.
Sweet Laurel
Sweet Laurel
Sweet Laurel

Nut-Free Chocolate Chip Cookies

Yield: 20-22 cookies

Bake Time: 10-12 minutes


2 ½ cup Breadfruit Flour

1 teaspoon Pink Salt

1 ½  teaspoons Baking Soda

1/2 teaspoon Vanilla Extract

1 Egg

¾  cup Coconut Oil (melted)

¾ cup 100% Maple Syrup

¼-½ cup Brewed Coffee

1 cup Chocolate Chips


Stir your breadfruit flour, pink salt and baking soda together in a bowl.

Slowly add the egg, coconut oil, maple syrup, brewed coffee and vanilla extract. Stir until batter is forms, then add chocolate chips.

Place 1-2 tablespoon sized dollops on to a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper. Gently press dollops of dough into a round disk.

Bake for about 10-12 minutes, or until golden brown, and allow to cool completely on pan before removing. Enjoy with a glass of your favorite milk!


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