Sweet Laurel Bakery


Dairy free, refined sugar free and totally Vegan and Paleo.  That's how we roll at Sweet Laurel in the ice cream department.  If you've ever had a tummy ache after eating a scoop of ice cream we've got you covered.  If you're trying to eliminate preservatives and additives from your diet, we've got you covered.  If you're seeking wellness through healing foods, but still want a special treat every now and then, we've got you covered!  This ice cream is the homemade version of my favorite ice cream shop in town, Kippy's! Ice Cream.  Now, disclaimer, this ice cream is not as good as the real deal Kippy's! you get at the shop.  Next time you're in Venice, CA, make it your first stop.  In the meantime, try our version!  It is sure to satisfy your ice cream craving in a more wholesome way.

My version of coconut ice cream uses Kippy's raw coconut cream (available at the shop) and maple syrup to sweeten.  Enjoy!


bowl of coconut ice cream


bowl of coconut ice cream


Coconut Ice Cream 

1 pint coconut cream (preferably raw and organic), at room temperature
2 to 4 Tbsp 100% maple syrup, at room temperature (depending on desired taste)

Combine the coconut cream and maple syrup by whisking together. Place in a bowl, cover with plastic wrap, and chill completely in the fridge. Then run the mixture through an ice cream machine.  Freeze until firm and enjoy.  Serve with your favorite toppings.  Ours are fresh fruit and a drizzle of honey!


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